Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant or animal to limit the negative impacts of a pathogen or disease. Organisms have complex biological pathways that provide innate immunity against harmful microbes. When a population has genetic traits or variability that allows it to slow down or stop the spread of illness, we call that disease resistance. In plants, disease resistance works through various morphological, biochemical, and cellular mechanisms. For example, some varieties of wheat have thick waxy layers on their leaves that block fungal hyphae from penetrating. Other crops release antimicrobial compounds that literally attack and kill bacteria or viruses before infection starts. There are also signaling cascades that rally a plant's defensive responses upon detecting disease organisms nearby. The key point is that resistant organisms can prevent, tolerate, or overcome diseases much better than their susceptible counterparts. Developing disease resistant cultivars is a huge goal in crop breeding programs. It allows farmers to boost yields and reduce reliance on pesticides. Of course, the rapid evolution of pathogens means there is always an arms race between hosts and their enemies. As certain diseases become more virulent, plant scientists must continue searching germplasm banks to identify new sources of resistance genes. The most durable form of protection often comes from "pyramiding" multiple genetic mechanisms against a single foe. In humans and animals, the concepts are similar even though the terminology is different. We depend on the sophisticated defense systems of our immune system to repel everything from the common cold to lethal bacteria. People who get sick less often are said to have strong constitutions or robust immunological responses. Bad colds that tear through an elementary school class show which kids have better natural immunity. If you feel you've been catching every bug this winter or have chronic health conditions, don't hesitate to ask your doctor about immune boosting strategies and supplements. For example, Elite Hormone Therapy provides personalized care plans to help patients optimize wellness through improved diet, stress reduction, and other evidence-based approaches. Their expert physicians and compounding pharmacy can even formulate customized preparations to address your unique needs. Now is the perfect time to take control over your health!