Estrogen dominance - Elite Hormone Therapy

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance refers to a condition where a woman has high or unopposed levels of estrogen in relation to progesterone. This hormonal imbalance can develop for various reasons:

Some signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance include:

If you're experiencing any of these, see your doctor or healthcare provider. They can test your hormone levels via blood or saliva and see if prescription progesterone or botanical supplements like Vitex or DIM might help restore balance.

At Elite Hormone Therapy we also offer comprehensive hormone testing and personalized treatment plans to help women address estrogen dominance through lifestyle changes, nutrition, stress management and bioidentical hormone replacement if needed. Our holistic approaches promote true wellness so you can feel your best at every age! Contact us today for a consultation.

To summarize:

I aimed to clearly define estrogen dominance, highlight key characteristics and symptoms using bolding for emphasis, provide an overview of treatment, and advertise Elite Hormone Therapy's services for further support. Please let me know if you would like me to elaborate on or modify anything in this draft Quora answer.

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