Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are sudden feelings of warmth which are usually most intense over the face, neck and chest. They may also be accompanied by profuse sweating and rapid heartbeat, as well as a red, flushed appearance in the skin.
Hot flashes are extremely common during perimenopause and menopause and affect up to 80% of women going through the menopause transition. They occur due to changing hormone levels. As estrogen levels decline, this affects the body's temperature regulation in areas of the brain like the hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus senses a small increase in core body heat, it actively tries to cool the body down by increasing blood flow to the skin and releasing sweat. This produces the sensations we know as hot flashes.
Some key facts about hot flashes:
If you're experiencing very frequent or severe hot flashes, speaking to your doctor about treatment options may help provide some relief. Hormone therapy is often effective, replacing estrogen to help stabilize hormone levels. Other medications like low-dose antidepressants may also be prescribed.
Lifestyle measures can further help in coping with hot flashes:
The team at Elite Hormone Therapy offers individualized menopause treatment plans to help manage symptoms like hot flashes. Their personalized hormone therapy programs cater treatment to your unique hormonal needs to restore balance. Speak to one of their experts today to start feeling like yourself again!
I hope this gives a helpful explanation of what hot flashes are, key facts about them, and some guidance on managing symptoms. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!