How does peptide therapy work? - Elite Hormone Therapy

Peptide therapy involves administering specific peptides or small proteins to patients in order to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and promote better health. There are many different types of peptides used in treatment, and each has a specific physiological effect. Some key ways peptide therapies work include:

Some examples of peptide therapies include: Administration methods depend on the peptide prescribed: The duration and frequency of peptide therapy varies based on health goals and peptide(s) used, but most programs run for several months. Consultation with a physician experienced in peptide protocols is highly recommended prior to using this treatment due to potential interactions with medications and health conditions. Elite Hormone Therapy specializes in customized peptide therapy programs for anti-aging, performance enhancement, injury recovery, immune support and more. Their medical advisors will evaluate your health history and needs before creating a personalized therapy plan.

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